Page 134 of 244 (7305 items)

PhotoRegistrationTypeConstr. no.Year of man.Year of reg-canc.ICAONotes
BOY-BRFPiper PA-25-235
Pawnee D
25-785603319781978-1988PA25OY-BRF, SE-KBS
BOY-BHWCessna 414A Chancellor414A033119791985-1989C414N2687X, (D-IFAS), OY-BHW, N414GP, XB-FNA, N414GP
BOY-HPXRolladen-Schneider LS 6-b617419872007D-0299, SE-UHM, OY-HPX competition number HP
BOY-RRXSchempp-Hirth Duo Discus T98/42420042004DUODCompetition number RR
BOY-XUPSchempp-Hirth Discus 2T18/13920022002Svæveflyveklubben SG-70 Competition number AA
BOY-KBXSchempp-Hirth Discus 2cT2420062006Competition number KB, Nordsjællands Svæveflyveklub
BOY-DLSDornier Do 28D-1 Skyservant402319691975-1980D28D(N6774), D-IDWM, PH-NVB, D-IDWM, OY-DLS, OO-GEO, crashed 4.5.1989, instruction airframe Ostende
BOY-CIHAeritalia/SNIAS ATR 42-30023819911991-2005AT43F-WWEC, (B-2206), OY-CIH Cimber Air, G-RHUM, C-GWWR
BOY-TXDPZL SZD-50-3 Puchacz503.A.06.00420062007Competition number TD
 OY-30Schneider ESG-9 Grunau 919391939Viborg Svæveflyveklub "Onkel Holger", crashed 12.8.1945 Viborg
 OY-XIXAB Flygindustri Fi-1719451949-1965SE-SFB, OY-XIX, crashed 27.10.1965 Vandel
 OY-BSXAB Flygplan Se 103/ DFS Kranich B-108119441959-1966Fv8220, SE-SPU, OY-BSX, crashed 17.4.1960 Tirstrup
BOY-VOXAB Flygindustri Se 104/DFS Weihe21619431958-1969Fv8301, (havareret), OY-VOX competition number 9, Havdrup Svæveflyveklub, Danmarks Flyvemuseum
BOY-DYSFocke-Wulf Fw 58C Weihe310519381939-1940OY-DYS, Luftwaffe, wreck at Karup 1945
BOY-XORSchempp-Hirth Ventus b/16.6/bT68/28319861986-1989VENTCompetition number Z8. Crashed in a collision with PA-28 SE-IDS 28.4.1989 at Ølholm.
Ventus b/16.6
7219822000D-6720, OY-HXB, competition number HB, XB
Ventus b/16.6
24419852005D-6511, OY-SIX competition number N6, OY SIX Gruppen
Ventus b/16.6
22819851986D-5237, OY-XYH, competition number Y6
Ventus b/16.6
20619841998D-8422, OY-HSX Herning Svæveflyveklub, competition number HS, Ventusgruppen Kolding
Ventus b
13719831983-2002Competition number MX. Crashed 29.07.1997 near Cantalice, Italy
Discus b
47819931993Competition number ST, damaged 31.3.2002 Mors-Tødsø (EKNM)
Ventus 2cxT
17720062007VENT(OH-968), D-KMXO, OY-MXO competition number MO Foreningen Mosegrisens Syndikat
Ventus 2cT
219952002VENTD-KLYC, BGA-4667/JPG, OY-XZA, competition number ZA
Ventus 2cT
38/12819991999VENTCompetition number VJ
Ventus 2cT
10620032003VENTCompetition number ZC
Ventus 2cT
44/14319992003-2004VENTD-KISK, OY-NSX, PH-1308
Ventus 2cT
719961997VENTCompetition number KV
Ventus 2cT
2219981998VENTCompetition number IB
Ventus 2c/2cM
48/9919981998-2003Competition number NS. Crashed near Fuentemilanos, Spain 22.07.2003
Ventus 2cM
OY-SXL competition number 8L, D-KBSL
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