Page 38 of 244 (7319 items)

PhotoRegistrationTypeConstr. no.Year of man.Year of reg-canc.ICAONotes
BOY-JMP(1)Cessna TP206D Turbo
Super Skylane
P2060053719681995-2010C07TN8737Z, D-ECAJ, OY-JMP, YR-TNT, ZP-BOB
BOY-ILGBombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express XRS916320042006-2014
GLEXC-FCPH, OY-ILG Execujet Scandinavia, N700FG, VH-FGJ
 OY-UFOBombardier 604 Challenger55532002(2018)C-GZTU, HB-JRZ, P4-SAI, N728JP, C-GRLE, (OY-UFO), N604WG, N41HF
BOY-MBICanadair CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet CRJ-200LR743620002003-2010CRJ2C-FMKZ, G-MSKT, OY-MBI Maersk Air, Cimber Air, Cimber Sterling, EW-303PJ, WFU and stored Minsk, Belarus 2019
BOY-EABStark Turbulent D13319601960-1966D31D-EKIV, OY-EAB. Damaged 24.5.1964 Samsø. Restored as OY-AMB 1965, D-ESMB, D-ETJD
BOY-BMRJodel D.112 Mod.143519731973-2011D11OY-BMR, I-A574
BOY-BMKJodel D.112 Mod.143619711971-1983D11OY-BMK, SE-XFH (c/n 1436-381), not airworthy 1987, HA-JDB
BOY-BKTPiper PA-28-180
Cherokee D
28-534519691969-1969P28AOY-BKT, D-EARZ, ZS-TGU
BOY-9501Jabiru J-170
BOY-XENSchneider Grunau
Baby II b
D-5333, D-3673, OY-XEN, CofA expired 1975, D-7954
BOY-XFKSchleicher K.8B849619651968-2022Z-971, OY-XFK, competition number F8, on display at Egeskov Castle 2021-22,
BOY-AJXSchleicher Ka 6BR Rhönsegler33919581962D-3561, D-5812, OY-AJX, competition number 38, DaSK 2022
BOY-RTXSchempp-Hirth Duo Discus T11820052005DUODOY-RTX Frederikssund-Frederiksværk Flyveklub, competition number 6H, (D-KSFS), OY-RTX
BOY-9345ICP MXP-740 Savannah9-345, OY-9345
BOY-YNSPartenavia P.68C518/C20222022
BOY-DFLGardan GY-80
Horizon 180
21219671969-1975GY80Crashed 6.9.1974 Gørlev. Rebuilt by mechanics-trainees
BOY-ZARExtra EA 300/20002219982022N516HT, OY-ZAR
BOY-NRKPiper PA-38-112 Tomahawk38-79A-074519792018-2022PA38SE-ICF, (OE-), D-ESOL, LN-NRK, OY-NRK, D-
 OY-HLWRotorway A600 Talon2010-03/801620222022Damaged 22.5.2022 on a privat helipad near Karise
B8-00Hi-Way Vulcan Trike1981On display at Egeskov Castle 1987- The very first ultralight aircraft i Denmark
Ventus c
41919891989-2005OY-XRE competition number 55, D-1668, OK-1903
BOY-XMESchleicher K.8C8101119761983-1997D-3765, OY-XME, D-7288, OE-5752
BOY-XKZGrob G-103 Twin Astir357519801981-2007D-6436, OY-XKZ, competition number KZ, (OO-YTM), PL95, OO-YTN
BOY-XKSSchleicher ASW 202041519811981-2003OY-XKS competition number CC, OO-YYY, PH-1316, LY-KIK
BOY-XEM(2)Schleicher AS 33Es3302620222022
BOY-XCVScheibe SF-28A
Tandem Falke
574219731975-2021D-KOED, OY-XCV, competition number H6, D-KOED
BOY-NSHExtra NGNG03420222022
BOY-JXBSchempp-Hirth Discus 2cT3720062007-2012OY-JXB Competition number BJ, F-CLHL, D-KIPB
BOY-HUSEurocopter EC.155B1 Dauphin II687620092022F-WWOM, OO-NHK, OY-HUS Air Greenland
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